Sometimes we hide our true face from ourselves. If our true face or our true selves make us unhappy for any period of time then we develop a strong facade to view and hide our true selves deep within our minds. Some day this hidden secret comes back to haunt us by causing pain and suffering both mental and physical. This can occur slowly over a very long period of time.
This can occur on a voluntary or involuntary basis. We hide our true selves to survive a threatening and controlling environment be it in our minds our in society. We are doing what is instinctive by developing those thoughts and feelings needed to survive because we have not identified other means to deal with such.
This is where our singular practice of the mind and body can help us to "see" and "hear" our hearts so that our minds slowly open the doors to our private face. Although initially this will be painful the process we practice teaches us that a slow, deliberate, steady form of gradual practice increasing our ability to see and hear our hearts provides us the tools to deal with those blockades so we can become "one" with our true self and only then can we become one with the Universe.
If I had to decide the most difficult path anyone can follow in the "Way" this is the one. To see beyond our facade to enjoy the beauty of our true selves truly brings about happiness and contentment.
All bottles are good once we "see" beyond the labels on the outside and find the true value of what is within, we all have purpose and that is good.
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