
"Rationalization is a powerful human function that we all engage in regularly. It is a combination of denial, the willful refusal to acknowledge obvious and observable facts and evidence, and justification." [24FightingChickens]

Why? I am finding more and more information that helps me to understand the "factions" created through out the Isshinryu community. Knowledge is power and understanding promotes acceptance. All the various factions of Isshinryu have a "belief" system. It became a belief system through acceptance by all those in a particular faction because they wanted it and it fed something that was missing in their lives.

Karate and my beliefs do the same thing although I am constantly changing and shifting the lines but sometimes those factions feel other factions are attacking their belief system. This attack results in a type of "freak-out-survival-instinct" emotionally resulting in fear and anger, fear and anger because they fear loss or losing their beliefs. It took a good deal of time and effort to create that belief system, to accept it, to make it their own system which also reinforces the solidarity of the group or in this posting the faction.

People in this situation do not like it nor do they want to hear about things that go against their beliefs. This is how religious cleansing/wars are started, one group attacking the others belief system. Remember the freak out survival instinct. You cannot change a belief system in this manner or overnight.

I am of the mind that all I can do in my practice of Isshinryu is post on my personal views and let anyone and everyone read them and get from them what they feel is worthy for their view. Nothing more, nothing less.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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