My personal "Interpretive" Lens!
"One thing has always been true: That book ... or ... that person who can give me an idea or a new slant on an old idea is my friend." - Louis L'Amour
"Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider..." - Francis Bacon
"What is true today may be reevaluated as false not long after. Judgements are frequently based upon a set of "temporary" circumstances surrounding them. Conflicting ideologies can exist simultaneously. Antagonistic dualities are complementary aspects of a unified whole: are seen as mutually dependent mirror images of each other." - Nahum Stiskin
Warning, Caveat and Note: The postings on this blog are my interpretation of readings, studies and experiences therefore errors and omissions are mine and mine alone. The content surrounding the extracts of books, see bibliography on this blog site, are also mine and mine alone therefore errors and omissions are also mine and mine alone and therefore why I highly recommended one read, study, research and fact find the material for clarity. My effort here is self-clarity toward a fuller understanding of the subject matter. See the bibliography for information on the books.
Note: I will endevor to provide a bibliography and italicize any direct quotes from the materials I use for this blog. If there are mistakes, errors, and/or omissions, I take full responsibility for them as they are mine and mine alone. If you find any mistakes, errors, and/or omissions please comment and let me know along with the correct information and/or sources.
Kenpo Gokui
A person's heart is the same as Heaven and Earth while the blood circulating is similar to the Sun and Moon yet the manner of drinking and spitting is either soft or hard while a person's unbalance is the same as a weight and the body should be able to change direction at any time as the time to strike is when the opportunity presents itself and both the eyes must see all sides as the ears must listen in all directions while the mind must grasp all the tactile, olfactory and gustation data not seen on all sides and not heard in any direction
All Bottles are Truly Good

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Winter Years
The winter years are different for me and I suspect just about the same for everyone else - mostly. It is really weird too. Often I don't even realize that I am at this age in life. I get a reminder every morning when I look in the mirror and sometimes get reminded when I look at other people on the BART train to and from work that I am also much older than most on the train.
I often forget until my body reminds me that I am close to my winter years but often still move forward as if I were still in my spring years. I don't mean that I am forcing myself to try and remain at the same levels of fitness and ability that I did then but I don't stop myself from doing things just because I am reaching toward the winter years. I just do things a bit differently and when reminded by circumstances tend to just adjust so I don't abuse my body and mind unnecessarily. I make adjustments, age adjustments.
I do think differently now. I suspect this is how nature intended as I understand from my life that those in winter years tend to have a bit more experience and their philosophy of life is one that can sometimes enlighten those much younger - if they listen. Even when they don't I suspect that the mind stores the information for later use and that is why we sometimes get the "oh shit, that is what that meant" thoughts as we move from spring to summer years and even if the fall years.
I can say for me that entering into the winter years is kind of exciting even tho it means making some changes that seem disturbing on some level. I sometimes feel that due to my age I have actually learned a few things that I sometimes wish I had recognized in those earlier years. When I feel this I do have the wisdom to tell myself that this is life and I am lucky to have these thoughts now because they were not meant to be there then vs. now.
Is this actually deep thoughts? I think not. It seems now that it is merely a matter of finally listening to reason - maybe. In my younger years I fell into that trap that I thought I knew everything. I realize that I closed my mind and allowed my rightous perceptions to lead my monkey brain where it wanted to go at the time. I chalk this up to gaining experience. I just thank the powers that are I was able to change and open my mind somewhat - knowing that it can still open more.
If you actually have the honor of reaching the winter years it can be hoped that they will open the doorway, the gate, toward an open-mind and to finally know that you don't know all things great and small but do want to listen and learn about all things great and small.
Just waxing philosophical about my coming life in the winter years.
eBook Status for Ken-po Goku-i
I feel it is coming along very well and look forward to feedback so I may publish this in the smashwords site. One more self-editing go-round and then I am ready. :-)