The Natural Way

Changes are governed by the theory and context taught as yin-yang. This means that change occurs by degrees. The ken-po goku-i teaches us that one must remain true to the universe or nature's laws. When the goku-i expresses how human hearts and human blood circulation are similar to the Heaven and Earth; Sun and Moon this is one of its lessons.

The circulation of the Earth around the sun as well as the moon around the Earth this is always done by degrees. The sun rises, reaches it apex over the Earth, and finally sets at the rhythm and pattern that never truly changes except in minute ways. Night changes to day changes to night as the blood takes nutrients of the color red to the body and takes back waste in the color of blue to rid the body of contaminants, etc. This is the natural way, nature's way and the way of the universe.

In humans we have anger-joy, fear-fortitude, frustration-serenity, etc. The process of change that cannot be forced nor should it be. Yet, we continue to push the envelope by pushing the natural order of things to get somewhere fast, to do things quickly and to get more time. The results are self-evident and the only true path is to follow the natural way of things, the yin-yang of things and the way of the universe/nature.

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