Humbleness vs. Entitlement

Humble: 謙虚な Kenkyona
Entitlement: 資格 Shikaku

Humble: 謙虚(けんきょ) / modesty, humility, modest, humble
Entitlement: ?

Humbleness: humility: a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride ...
Entitlement: To have the right to claim something; An individual who is comfortable with an equity ratio greater than that of his or her comparison other.

Often a sense of entitlement is a product of such traits as pride and ego. It is sometimes an unrealistic sense that one is entitled to something that often puts them at a higher social level where they feel superiority. It is a belief in a special sense that one has a right that is greater than another. They tend to see themselves as a "special person."

I quote, "In a casual sense, the term "entitlement" refers to a notion or belief that one (or oneself) is deserving of some particular reward or benefit[1]—if given without deeper legal or principled cause, the term is often given with pejorative connotation (e.g. a "sense of entitlement")."

Who is to say that any person's sense of entitlement is either false or not. Do we tend to assign entitlement solely based on some legal or principle cause as stated above or does a false sense come from a lack thereof? How much is connected to a person's self-esteem? When is it normal and when is it a narcissistic entitlement?

Does a complete and utter release of self from all entitlements, perceived or granted, mean one is now of a humble nature? Is humbleness the complete opposite of a person with a sense of entitlement? Can a person truly release themselves from ego, pride and a sense of entitlement either false or not? Is some level of entitlement a human need, requirement for self preservation or survival?

Is it realistic to assume a humble state? I read stories of those who exude a humble nature and at the same time the story itself is a form of prideful validation that the person is humble and unassuming - unassuming? It sounds a bit like Yin-n-Yang where a balance of one extreme or the other denotes a person, their personality and their degree of either entitlement or humbleness.

Is it possible that a humble person is one who just gives up pride, ego and such beliefs simply because they cannot achieve validation that fits them, ergo their sense of entitlement thus causing another form of entitlement, pride and ego, i.e. I am a humble person or cause others to validate them because they now are perceived to be of humble nature?

Thought provoking.

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