My personal "Interpretive" Lens!
"One thing has always been true: That book ... or ... that person who can give me an idea or a new slant on an old idea is my friend." - Louis L'Amour
"Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider..." - Francis Bacon
"What is true today may be reevaluated as false not long after. Judgements are frequently based upon a set of "temporary" circumstances surrounding them. Conflicting ideologies can exist simultaneously. Antagonistic dualities are complementary aspects of a unified whole: are seen as mutually dependent mirror images of each other." - Nahum Stiskin
Warning, Caveat and Note: The postings on this blog are my interpretation of readings, studies and experiences therefore errors and omissions are mine and mine alone. The content surrounding the extracts of books, see bibliography on this blog site, are also mine and mine alone therefore errors and omissions are also mine and mine alone and therefore why I highly recommended one read, study, research and fact find the material for clarity. My effort here is self-clarity toward a fuller understanding of the subject matter. See the bibliography for information on the books.
Note: I will endevor to provide a bibliography and italicize any direct quotes from the materials I use for this blog. If there are mistakes, errors, and/or omissions, I take full responsibility for them as they are mine and mine alone. If you find any mistakes, errors, and/or omissions please comment and let me know along with the correct information and/or sources.
Kenpo Gokui
A person's heart is the same as Heaven and Earth while the blood circulating is similar to the Sun and Moon yet the manner of drinking and spitting is either soft or hard while a person's unbalance is the same as a weight and the body should be able to change direction at any time as the time to strike is when the opportunity presents itself and both the eyes must see all sides as the ears must listen in all directions while the mind must grasp all the tactile, olfactory and gustation data not seen on all sides and not heard in any direction
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This presentation is reminiscent of a Zen Master presenting a "Koan" to a disciple. Like the Zen Koan the gokui also is a kind of "story or dialogue," a method of self questioning, a statement that inspires one to think, consider and contemplate. Like the koan it is not readily or literally understood, it is not considered rational except in its "appearance" or literal meaning. It is in need of the individual's intuition, the instincts created through study and meditation, both physical and motionless.
The nine lines of the gokui are a Zen Koan for the martial arts. It is a sagely sayings to teach. It was born of the larger and more complex documents, the I Ching and others. It consists of a grouping of words that underneath the obvious that are perplexing, critical and concise words somewhat poetic but also a commentary on martial systems.
Again, like a Zen Koan, responses to the gokui will differ with each practitioner. Different systems and Sensei demand different responses as to meaning and application to the system itself as practiced by an individual. It is fluid in nature and presents answers to questions that will vary by the circumstance, person and moment in time.
The idea is not to gain specificity to the gokui but to look for a state of mind as expressed with each study and finding for the gokui. There are no traditional answers as will be seen throughout this book. It is meant to provide the practitioner a means to display the evidence of the systems working by what is grasped each moment by the disciple as they follow the path presented, the many paths of a martial system.
The greatest obstacle to Americans who study this simple, concise and complex koan called the gokui as to a qualified teacher of the gokui who can judge the depth and breadth of attainment. The gokui is a dynamic system to seeking an answer to the gokui. It is an object that seeks the object with a relentless seeking of itself - man seeking the answer to the self. To break through the obstacles of the mind!
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Click for larger view. |
Is it real or is it memorex?
The question then arises, how do we know what we see in reality based fights, violence or just plain everyday occurrences is real or matrix mind perceptions. The book inspires some interesting and thought provoking questions for each of us.
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This is a large graphic of many interesting illusions so click on the picture to view the whole. |
An eBook: Goku-i eBook Progressing
Once integration, editing and layout issues are in a very rough state I have plans to pass it along, in pdf format, to several courageous volunteers to read and provide comments, corrections and critiques so I can continue to rough draft <some number as I go past the initial one>.
I am enjoying the process. I am working to be a writer so that when I retire I can write fiction. I have some outlines and other such notes started for an idea I had while meditating a while back - progressing well.
This eBook is a good start in that direction so I can get things like flow, continuity, meaning, etc. in order before I attempt to put fiction in place. I have all the material so I can focus on the fundamentals/basics and practice, practice, practice. Most important I can train my ego to allow that my writing is going to need lots of tough skin ability so my ego and pride don't hinder my desires as a writer.
Anyway, just wanted to give an update to those who may be interested.
Dojo Kun, "Kun"
特訓 - derived from translating the Japanese word "kun" where it also means "intensive training, special training."
The common character to both is the "訓" which by itself means: give lessons, teach, instruct, guide or lead (training).
This just might be the true meaning behind dojo kun. Dojo kun could mean a place of intensive or special training according to the family precepts, these being the insight of the Sensei as it might relate to a family sense and a household both of which are a dominant cultural system of the Japanese.
It might be that this is the intent that was lost in the disparity between the belief systems of American vs. Okinawan's or Japanese. This is a possibility worth consideration.
As shown above the common character also gives further credence to this possible meaning since insight from Sensei is a lesson that is taught through Sensei's guidance and leadership.
Is this possible? Please comment constructively and let me know your views.
Dojo Kun (dojo precepts from Sensei): Sensei insight through leadership and guidance; family/dojo precepts. ????? hm, thought provoking .....
Dojo Kun, Ken-po Goku-i and Isshinryu
The dojo kun for Isshinryu seems to have received the interpretation of a code of conduct for the dojo. When I consider the content of this dojo kun I begin to question its authenticity as to being inherited from the systems founder Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei. I say this for a few reasons.
First, references in the kun (short for dojo kun; brevity purposes) to budo, God and Faith, smoking and drinking tend to convey a more American and/or Military perspective. As far as I can determine Tatsuo Sensei was not a Christian or other religious affiliation that would teach about God. I can see where this might be perceived when he talked of such things as the gokui but wonder a bit about this point.
Second, it would appear that like many urban legends the composing of the dojo kun is or has a rhythm and feel of an American and/or Military influence. I know that Tatsuo Sensei actually composed copies, in Kanji, of the ken-po goku-i but as to the dojo kun in the honbu dojo I suspect that it was created and posted by the leadership of the deshi or senior military attendees.
The kanji provided at the top of one source of the below copy of the Isshinryu Dojo Kun if translated, working on this, may just be a title for the dojo kun or it may be similar to the terse kanji of the gokui (brevity again for ken-po goku-i).
Another source gives us a picture of kanji that is believed to be the dojo code of conduct, dojo kun. It is translated into English but since the snapshot of the kanji is difficult to actually read it is not easily verified as accurate. I also found the kanji for the gokui to lack accurate translation to English where a good deal of latitude was taken in its translation which I also question since those who filled in the holes are and were not so immersed in the culture of Okinawa, etc. that they could do so with any impunity. In this source they go so far as to add a signature in typeface only of Tatsuo Sensei.
Please understand, I am questioning things for the sake of study. It is not meant to say that either source or anyone in Isshinryu is either right or wrong regarding either the dojo kun or the gokui, it is a matter of study and personal philosophies and perceptions only. Meant to inspire comment and thought.
The closest I have come to any kind of translation of "code of conduct" into Japanese is actually "kodo kihan" which translates into "code of conduct." This does not say that dojo kun is not actually coduct but the word kun does not show in the two translator programs I use.
Dojo of course refers to a martial arts training hall. I cannot extrapolate code or honor or conduct that translates from either word, dojo or kun or both together. When I run into this type of disparity I tend to doubt the validity but do so with a bit of caution and allowance for the greater disparity toward an ability to understand Japanese or Okinawan dialect, customs and meanings. Often kanji literally loses its original intent and meaning when absorbed by such disciplines and budo or martial arts or any art form. I have discovered this when I ask the Japanese business person I frequent to translate a word for me or a phrase.
This is why I felt something when I read Mr. Clarke's understanding as to the meaning of the dojo kun. I suspect his assumptions as to meaning being one that is not set in stone, rules, but rather open and fluid information conveyed from Sensei to his Deshi, if you will allow me those terms. Much like the gokui it is a primer, a key, a cornerstone that is associated with the dojo and with the dojo's master. If it inspires and leads then it has done its job. If it ends up as dogmatic doctrine, rules, specifics that control and stifle the dojo then it needs to be visited and studied many more times.
Could this also be the answer to the question, "why are there so many definitions of the kun and gokui?" As I travel this path I am of the understanding, for me, that this is true and in lieu of wondering simply study the one you possess and let it smolder in the unconscious. The unconscious will speak to you and let you find your philosophy of both the kun and the gokui.
The more I learn, the more I study, the more I investigate the more I see that Clarke Sensei hits the nail on the head. The differences as seen in the snapshot on this post indicate that it is truly a personal thing most often provided by the dojo, system, Sensei.
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Click to see full version - it was a larger graphic created by C.E. James ;-) |
Okinawa Remembered
Then we add in time. Not just the literal time we constantly view on the watch we wear but in nature's time. Time to human's is a type of organization and that equates to our human behavior. The gokui's is one method to re-introduce us to natural time over industrial time.
Research results in this area tell us, initially with room for changes, that the self is deeply ingrained into and part of rhythmic synchronic processes. Processes such as the person's heart and the blood circulation symbolizing such things as energy of life coupled with nature's rhythms and synchronicity. The rhythm that portrays natural organization of life or nature is a basic design function of human beings. This organization with rhythm's results in human personalities. Therefore current research says that rhythm is inseparable from process and structure.
Our personality traits may find their foundation on rhythm, nature's or natural nature rhythms. This rhythm/personality is unique to each human/person. The tenant of martial practice, classical/traditional with Zen influences, to achieve balance of self and they are finding that human rhythms come from our center, hara, or the center of self. We have to have balance or self-synchrony.
Body movement is precisely synchronized with a four-level hierarchical series of rhythms which are shown in studies through wave analysis that provides intervals/rhythms of 1-3, 4-7, 8-13, 14-24, and 25-40 per second.
Zen Buddhism, Japanese and Martial Systems
Let me begin that I feel strongly Americans are at a great disadvantage due to ignorance. In Isshinryu circles it is known that Tatsuo Sensei spoke often of the importance of learning the customs of Okinawa to really understand its karate. I believe this more today then ever before. I have to add one caveat tho, that we must learn of their customs but also we must first change our beliefs to allow for understanding. We have to get into their minds, their time and their time as to the other more esoteric understanding of time. If we continue to fool ourselves that our assumptions and expectations through our personal perspectives, beliefs and experiences we will miss the whole boat.
"The tremendous possibilities that lie ahed if the human race can be weaned from its fascination with technology and turn its attention once more to the study of the human spirit." - Chapter six.
What I am gaining slowly from this and other aspects of my studies is we are driven past our spirit as it relates to the spirit of the heavens, earth and nature is detrimental to our overall health and well being. The speed and complete disconnect from nature's timing, rhythm and beat is causing such distress that humans are suffering for it. I believe this is true. This is why I am presenting the next regarding a view of the Asian mind and it through Zen Buddhism beliefs.
Zen utilizes the "koan" as a teaching tool Koan are sayings or quotes that are given to disciples as a teaching tool. They are meant to take these koans and mediate on them until the key is released in a natural way. These koans seem to be convoluted, confusing and illogical, but they do have a deep meaning and in order to understand that meaning, to discover that key is to understand in which context that koan is to be understood. It is in the context.
The koan is a basic teaching tool of Zen practitioners. This teaching and learning process depends on the use of models, practice, and demonstration (note, this is how many art forms are taught such as martial systems.). Words only distort Zen (this may be one reason why Sensei tend to not use words in teachings).
Zen is very high on the context scale and the communications for Zen is very, very fast. In order to understand the context one must understand the history, background and customs of Zen. In order to begin that understanding you must start with a few facts about the Japanese.
Japanese are raised in and live in a close-knit, highly contextualized social context life. This is why there is no questions, no explanations, and this is why outsiders such as Americans find their methods difficult to understand and accept.
In Japan, the discovery of self is directly linked to the full realization of the basic social laws by which one's family, relatives, friends, neighbors and countrymen live. The American "M-time or one-thing-at-a-time" mode is a type of silo'ing or put it into a box type method that is the opposite. Examples follow.
In our country we look at most martial systems as a sport. Archery, an art in Japan, is viewed as a sport here. In their country it can be a sport, but it is also a spiritual-philosophical ritual. This is considered a discipline that trains the mind. The Zen part drives the Japanese tradition of a spiritual exercise regimen that is designed to train/expand the mind. This is the method to get into the rhythm of the unconscious. This is the method to remove all the obstructions that block our free and direct access to that unconscious.
In the art of Archery it is to achieve a blend of the practitioners to the arrow to the bow to the string and then to the target as not separate entities but rather a unified process - the whole. Americans train for skill while the Asian trains by emptying the mind and removing the self and all the self's baggage. The same is true of how they perceive time. Time springs forth from within, the self and it is not an imposed time. Zen tunes us to nature. In that light in lieu of "its noon so its lunch time" they eat when the body says it time for sustenance. They sleep when the body says its time to rest.
In Zen the thoughts that run willy nilly in our brains interferes with our consciousness. It is a form that teaches to think naturally and unconsciously where Americans tend to think logically and analytically which leads us to dogmatic beliefs, creeds and codes, and philosophies while Zen orients toward form and context.
In Zen it is to achieve dissolution of ego and they use the meditation process to bypass the influence of conscious thoughts. This is geared to take those monkey driven feelings of success or failure and consciousness of self and make the dissolve or at the very least provide for control to the extent that they no longer drive the person.
In Zen swordsmanship the Zen part is the removal of any feelings about either life or death. Truth to the Zen practitioner is all encompassing and yet the very essence of self. Paradoxical to say the least.
Our brains here in our country tend to reside and rely on the left side which is a low-context side, ultra-specific (this tends to explain why we go to the atomistic and tend to ignore the holistic).
The Asian culture believes in the concept of "hara." This is a part and parcel of Zen as well, the two are intricately blended. Hara is a logic of context and "of action" and not limited to word paradigms.
Art, in Japan, is a Zen discipline where you can say such arts as flower arranging, calligraphy, archery and swordsmanship are tied to it thoroughly and completely. This is what makes them arts in lieu of just a sport or discipline. As such all of them are high-context oriented.
Asian art has four elements which the reader will find familiar - hara, MA, intuition, and michi (the way).
Hara links the individual to nature, the universe, man-earth-heaven. MA is a space-time concept and a meaningful pause, interval, or space. Silences in Japan shout the deepest feelings while in American culture it says "embarrassment or dead time. Intuition come from long, deep study and experience. It is the distillation of a theme, an emotion, idea, or object. Michi implies devotion to discipline and the perfection of one's art. The American view of michi is the limiting belief in "technique."
In a short quote, "The Zen artist, after years of disciplined exercise, experiences the object with his whole self and then lets the object draw the picture using the ink-brush as a tool. There is seemingly no conscious effort on the part of the artist to direct the brush. As was true of the Zen archer, the object - the brush - and the artist are part of a single, unified, integrated process. The Japanese, in order to develop his art, must center his efforts on self-knowledge and ultimately on enlightenment. The greatest efforts are made to still the mind and to eliminate the ego, which is subject to the frailties of praise, success, failure, and lack of recognition. "
Japanese arts come from and grow from within and not influenced a great deal from the outside. American art tends to focus on the aesthetic context or on the object itself or both than using the arts to gain insight to the self, the inner workings of our psyches.
Another unique aspect of the Zen practitioner is the view that any failure is seen as merely insufficient effort in the physical discipline, work and dedication to the task or art at hand. It also places a huge demand on the individual.
The Japanese act comes from three centers, not one as we tend to think of it: the mind, the heart, and the hara. Mind is for the business end, heart is for family, friends and home, hara is what one strives for in all things - balance as a whole.
The heart you can depend on; the mind is fluid, chaotic and always in flux. It takes the hara to bring the other two into balance, equilibrium, the whole. If we are to understand context of Asian's to understand our martial practice as a classic/tradition then we must also understand "tate-mae," "honne," and "suji." Tatemae is a sensitivity to other humans, the public self; honne is a sensitivity to that private self; suji is a situation significance to an event.
We Americans also can divide people into an "us" or a "them or othering." The Japanese Zen aspect does do this to an extent in that honne and tatemae is an "us and them." The exception while Americans have shades of gray in us or them the Japanese Zen aspect has nothing in between honne and tatemae.
One last aspect is "giri" or that obligation which a Japanese can incur during their lives with a "requirement" to repay that obligation. The Japanese have a meeting of the "heart" and Americans have a meeting of the "minds." One last note of significance is in our country we tend to spar with words to show superiority or greater intelligence. In Japan, they will synchronize their "breathing." Now, I would love to learn more about that part and maybe my continued studies will lead me to that one.
Remember, this is my view as to my current studies. My studies are fluid. They will change as I gather in more information and knowledge. This post is meant to give the reader more information as a key to prompt opening a door, a door to more information gathering and to hopefully inspire the reader to open the mind and truly seek out the customs of Okinawa from their perspective, perception and belief systems.
Hall, Edward T. "The Dance of Life: The Other Dimension of Time." Anchor Books. New York. 1983, 1984, 1989.
Not a Reflection on Origin Posts, Periodicals or Books
If you feel otherwise let me know and I will make sure I don't extract quotes in or out of context from your blog, periodical or book - send me a private email at my blog email account and I will stop.
Charles James, esq. :-)
Why Ken-po Goku-i Philosophies are Important
This mind-set comes from a misunderstanding of what karate is all about. Yes, it is a system that uses the body to apply a certain amount of damage to a threat but it also has to be tempered with a morality that tempers the human mind-set to use it appropriately and with a modicum of restraint for the regard of another human and society as a whole for it is these two that promote a survival instinct and tribal cohesion to promote a way that is morally right and correct.
The Gokui leads us to those ancient classics that speak of a balance where the human understands the yin and yang of many things and teaches us to strive for a balance that is a belief system of moral behavior, thinking and expression.
If not for this type of equilibrium in karate-jutsu-do the practitioner may succumb to "the dark side" and become just another "Darth Vader or a simple thug" with dangerous ability. It is a difference between righteousness or terrorism.
Think of providing a person with tools of power where the difference between proper use vs. improper is the difference between justice, honesty and morality vs. injustice, dishonesty and moral turpitude.
The gokui is meant to be the weight that sits on the other side of the scales of martial systems - physical weight on one side with morally just belief on the other balancing the person who has the system as a means of protection.
This speaks of that one slippery line between defense and fighting. It is narrow, moving and hard to see in the heat of battle but is the determining factor between defense and the legal ramifications of assault.