Visual Metaphors

What is a visual metaphor, it is the representation of a person, place, thing, or idea by way of a visual image that suggests a particular association or point of similarity. This is similar to both the written and spoken word but from the point of visual - seeing. It can be seen a lot in "advertisements" in ads for magazines and in newspapers but also through the televised commercials.

It is juxtaposing a picture, a symbol if you will, that suggests a relation between what is being presented in a form that causes the recipient to stand up and take notice. In the world of the martial arts then promotes greater understanding and greater retention, encoding and ability for application.

In the "gokui" the part that speaks of "seeing" all sides this can assist you by allowing the mind to perceive a relation to your personal metaphor system promoting acceptance and learning allowing a greater ability to encode and retrieve for use later. The Sensei must determine several things to maximize teaching. We have discussed some such as determining the persons dominant sense mode where here we determine the person's dominant metaphor mode.

In our society most men relate to life the metaphors of football. In our society it might be said that for females it could be either gardening or the classroom. You don't want to assume but if Sensei actively listens when practitioners ask questions, etc. they can determine such things and therefore maximize translation of teachings to the individual.

When we study the gokui we tend to extrapolate direct and literal meanings. This is another form to hopefully inspire more "out of the box" thinking when studying and applying the gokui to martial practice and then to life. Kinda like plugging into the Matrix to accomplish something then bringing it back out to live it or walk the path in realty.

"I, Chuang Chou, “Dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?”

Is there a difference between a dream state, the Matrix, and life, unplugged, and how do we know reality. Sometimes we dream in a very lucid form and it becomes blurred as to dream vs. reality. Hmmm, something to contemplate on don't you think?

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