Touch Dominant

I am pretty sure I am one of these persons. I am touch dominant. As I study the material provided in Dr. Elgin's book, "ry To Feel It My Way: New Help for Touch Dominant People and Those Who Care About Them," I am becoming aware of those road marks that indicate I am touch sense dominant.

As this self-discovery become glaringly more apparent to me I realize many of the difficulties I have experienced and become are related to this sense mode and the response, unconscious and unaware and unknowingly, received molded me into a person who tends to be "brash," "loud/forceful," and "a naysayer." It fits and makes me feel a bit sad.

It is a product of the time which I was raised where such knowledge was not known and not studied. It was not taught in the schools simply because no one was aware at those times. As I am able to grasp the implications and effects of such a mode that is strongly a part of communications I can now see why I have felt specific emotional responses.

The most important lesson is it is no ones fault, not mine and not others. It is simply a lack of knowledge and understanding and self-realization. I now am growing in my awareness and I am now growing in my knowledge and I am now growing more aware of what it is I must do to build a bridge across the reality gap of touch vs. sight and hearing sense modes. My only regret is it would be improper for me to pass this along to those I communicate with - they have to come to this realization completely on their own. I can hope!

As to those who will and are reading my posts. I am expressing to you all that if something I write does not seem to fit, to connect, to have clarity please take a moment and consider that it may be in touch mode for sense communication - take a moment and re-word it where words that are sight or hearting sense related and it may make it clearer.

My goal is to translate my touch dominant writing mode to a more sight and hearing mode for better clarity for all with smatterings of touch mode to cover the whole spectrum hopefully to have clarity with all who read my stuff.

Thanks for reading, thanks for hearing what I am trying to say, and thanks for trying to grasp the idea of sense mode in communications. I can express to you that as I get "in touch" with my apparent touch sense side and language I am feeling a lot more comfortable. Pardon me if my writing goes more touch but that is my way of learning - touch :-)

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