Like life, like FMA practice, like the Laws of the Universe all is in constant flux, fluid, ever changing so this philosophy is fluid simply by the constant movement of the present moment. Each unique encounter at the exact present moment causes ripples changing this to something new, something more, this is my philosophy of Isshinryu Karate-do.
On a very basic level my philosophical strategy is to approach my studies and practice with a critical-analytical open mind. I train to attain a calm, stoic, and detached mind so that all that is available can be received with out reservations so that I may study the fundamentals of my morals and beliefs; so that I will understand the values, reason and existence of life and Tao.
Isshinryu Karate-do has become my system of beliefs as taught through its practice; knowledge acquired in the study of the Ancient Classics with a goal of acceptable values and beliefs that guide me in my day to day present moment encounters with both internal/spiritual and external/societal encounters, i.e. the studies and practices of karate-do and the ken-po goku-i with all that it entails at its deepest depth of limitless void.
I quote, "To become a wiser person who deals with life calmly and rationally; a person who will live a life of reason with equanimity; a person devoted to the study of the ancient classics thus providing for the following of the proper and accepted path according to the law of the ken-po goku-i (Tao) as determined by the relations of Heaven, Humanity, and Earth (I Ching and Ken-po Goku-i).
By this philosophy I strive to achieve the ability to "inspire" others. I strive to achieve a deep understanding of the esoteric aspects of my training and practice along with the deeper skills and experience to teach the physical benefits; to provide the best guidance possible for those who choose to train/practice with me.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." - unknown
"Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider..." - Francis Bacon
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