The Belt System Hypothesis - Kenpo Gokui | I Ching | The Mysteries

In the beginning, Isshinryu that is on Oki, there was no belt system. Then one day someone presented Tatsuo Sensei a belt and then Sensei provided for White and black belt, circa 1956 to 57. 1958 Tatsuo Sensei then added the green belt so it was white, green then black.

The significance to Marines was similar to the Marine Corps rank system. It provided a means of indicating a level of proficiency and expertise. The same was said of the belt system Tatsuo Sensei used and it just grew from there.

Now we have a rainbow of colors to show proficiency. This caused me to wonder if there were more than just gratification of the ego with colors or to enhance drawing in perspective practitioners into the training hall.

I study the gokui and its connections to the ancient Chinese texts, i.e. I Ching and the Mysteries. One of those texts is "The Elemental Changes: The Ancient Chinese Companion to the I Ching." In the chapter of "Keng, No. 28: Change [ref hexagram 49 of I Ching]" under appraisal/fathoming 3 it says,

"A popular metaphor compares human nature at birth to un-dyed silk, which is then colored by training and experience."

and upon contemplation of these words I find it does connect to training in the fighting arts. Training and thus gained experience resulting in a level of proficiency with time and effort dyes the silk and the colors come from a point in time, a present moment when something important is achieved thus dying of silk and in this case the award of a colored belt.

I am sure the myriad colors we see today not to mention the various materials, etc. are not a result of this chapter and verse nor is it from the study of classics by those who use them but I do believe Tatsuo Sensei did see the connection simply because of his dedication to the ancient classics and the art of karate-do.

The very next verse as I interpreted it is much like the stories you hear of a person who comes full circle in life and in particular the fighting arts where they go from white to black and finally back to white, the verse is,

"Moral improvement should work to turn evil into good, black into white."

This also points to our need and requirement to train/practice for improvement to include the spiritual and moral improvement.

Finally, the last verse of this mystery is one that reflects my feelings in regards to Tatsuo Sensei and what he accomplished in life and in the fighting arts.

"In the world of man, the upward flight occurs through self-cultivation."

We look upon his creation and especially that of the "Me-gami [and as it was created in the Isshinryu symbol by AJA Sensei]" where we see "Tatsuo or dragon" ascending into the heavens toward the stars to become "one" with Tao and thus his "teachers" to become something else.

I feel Tatsuo Sensei was adept at seeing beyond and bringing that into life and his practice. Whether with conscious or unconscious intent he accomplished something special and he has united many into the "one" with his Isshinryu.

Study hard the classics and "see" beyond presence, see what he was able to foresee.

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