Mind Manipulation

As I practice the "Way" I seem to "notice" more than I did before. I have noticed that we as a "species" are "crap"! We suck and one reason we "suck as a species" is because of the mind we possess.

Because we lack a certain ability to "see" beyond things that can influence our behaviors by certain social actions we do things that are detrimental to us as humans, our surroundings, society, and most important of all our environment (the one we directly interact with, the community, our country, our Earth...).

We as a species in general are so easily persuaded to do things that common sense tells us we should not do. We do these things to our detriment, i.e. our psychological and physical.

Others of our species use coercive persuasion to steer us in a direction that is not always good for us; not good for humanity; not good for our environment; not good for the Earth and not good for the Universe/Nature, etc.

Through the singular practice of Isshinryu Karate Jutsu Do I have just started to "see" and "hear" and "feel" and so on things that transpire around me that we hidden from me before. It is like I have a veil around my mind that prevents me from seeing the real world. As I practice and train my mind and body it results in a spirit that is a bit more open to the truth of the Way or "Tao".

A good example of the last few years is my diet. What I consume for fuel. I actually felt that I ate well and healthy but as my mind opened a bit to perceive the reality of it I found that what I thought was healthy/good was in reality poor. It turns out that as I begin to "see" and "perceive" reality that our species, a part of it that looks to "profit", has created a food chain meant to addict us to eating heavily the types of food that is unhealthy, i.e. causes weight gain, etc.

Our minds are the most important aspect of training and practice for to train and practice to open the mind to the immediate or physical that comes from karate jutsu do provides us a light that allows us to see deep into ourselves and the reciprocal action is the ability to "see" more within and then without.

Our species uses such things as "mental confusion", "suggestibility", non-physical punishments, social attitudes, attack of self concepts, attempts to instill powerlessness, undermine confidence, attack self-esteem, manipulation of information and language, and then the psychological threat of a secular nature.

One of the most difficult opponents we can confront is our psychological mind, the ego. Our species uses our own ego's to use subliminal tactics/strategies to take us where we should not go.

These altered states of mind are so pervasive that we seem stuck. It is the most difficult "addiction" even more so than "herion" (which I believe is also used to keep the mind easily receptive to the power of suggestions).

These, and other, reasons are why I stress the study of such things as the I-Ching and the tome's of the Kenpo Gokui which I believe help us to achieve psychological independence. Even tho initially the practice of karate jutsu do is seemingly rigid in its transmission of the traditional teachings that if we study the gokui in conjunction with the physical we can achieve a level of proficiency that allows us to think "freely" and "unencumbered" by influences or at least provide us the ability to achieve a level of proficiency that lets us "see" the "truth" and then make decisions in life that are beneficial to us, our families, our neighbors, our communities, and the world.

Only through this type of practice and training can we some day achieve that level of Psychological Freedom that will allow us to live life in the present moment with peace, tranquility, and serenity.

1 comment:

  1. It amazes me that to think freely and to see the truth ...takes hard work and is not easy at all.

