Sequence Eight

ear/s | ability | hear | eight (all around/all sides) | directions

ear/s - in this instance we could say the same as sequence seven with the only change being the character/word "ear/s".

ability - makes me wonder why this character in this sequence as the previous sequence could have gotten the same results. the only difference being the "see vs. hear" characters yet they chose to use this character for ability. i can suggest that since the tome of the gokui was meant to be separate yet as "one" that when we consider both sequences that they compliment one another. ability might mean that we must develop it in order for the others to have meaning.

hear - in this instance we could say the same as sequence seven with the only change being the character/word "hear". we can also suggest that tho these seem specific to both seeing and hearing in a literal meaning that they would imply other senses must be developed and used not only for karate-do but in life. we should not depend on any one or two senses in life as well as karate-do or the fighting arts for that could lead to not-winning.

eight - why refer to the eight directions I allude to in sequence seven or do we integrate this with the other to create the "one" whole that leads us on the path or the "Way" or ...

directions - sides vs. this also to allude to something more when we study and practice along with concepts and this gokui? good question...

The ear must listen in all directions.

Directions vs. Sides, is there any real difference or could it be that during the translation the person perspective, knowledge, experience, spirit, and so forth caused them to challenge the deshi to seek out their own answers thus creating new translations and ever changing understanding. after all does not the gokui indicate that change is a constant of the universe and we must accept and adapt to change if we are to remain sane, healthy, conscious, and aware...

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